Evangelization: Building and Rebuilding the Kingdom

Evangelization: Building and Rebuilding the Kingdom: Issues of Language, Culture, and Conversion

Evangelization coverLeon F. Strieder’s 492-page scholarly work is not a cursory presentation of evangelization—quite the opposite. While much has been written on evangelization and conversion, many liturgical studies lack a good sense of the history of evangelization, and even the historical studies lack a liturgical understanding of the methods of conversion.

Other studies may address early Christianity or the spread of Christianity to England or Germany, or the mission to the New World or the Far East or Africa, but they are without much insight as to what was operative in the methods of conversion and evangelization. Strieder addresses head-on the importance of language translations and how difficult it is to faithfully express textual meaning in a different language. He adds new underpinnings now needed to speak to our times. When it comes to the issues of language, culture, and conversion, this book bridges all gaps. #evangelization

This book is recommended for courses in Evangelization, The Early Church, Church History, and Church Development courses.

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Pope Francis: Legacy of Vatican II

cover: Pope Francis

Pope Francis: The Legacy of Vatican II

Recently released is Professor Eduardo J. Echeverria’s study Pope Francis: The Legacy of Vatican II.

Catholics and Protestants alike tend to use Pope Francis’s pronouncements to justify the correctness of their own viewpoints on Vatican Council II and other religious and theological matters. Professor Echeverria does a thorough job of drawing from the pre-papal writings of Jorge Mario Bergoglio and the man’s current papal writings, talks, and sermons to discover and document the continuity in thought Francis has with the councils.

Echeverria compares Francis’s discourse with that of his papal predecessors in the era since Vatican II. He draws heavily on the documents of Vatican II and the theology of doctrinal development stemming from the First Vatican Council and embraced by Vatican II. Not left out is the modern ecumenical movement from both the Reformed and Catholic side.

This book draws high praise from prominent theologians whose full endorsements can be found here.

It is an ideal text for basic theology courses, courses on the modern Church for seminarians or divinity students, or courses about the influence of Vatican II. It’s a must-read for those wanting to learn about Pope Francis and the future of Christianity. A special strength of the book is the respect with which it treats the Reformed Tradition.

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An Academic Publisher’s Trifecta

Brennan R. Hill

Brennan R. Hill

Lectio Publishing’s founder/principal, author, and former CTA President, Brennan R. Hill will attend and exhibit at the College Theology Society’s (CTS) annual meeting at Saint Vincent College May 29-June 1 and the Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA) convention June 5-8. We hope to attend the American Academy of Religion (AAR) meeting November 22-25, but this is a “big” convention-like meeting, and we’re still a “small” indie-like publisher. If we make San Diego, it will be our first trifecta as a new academic publisher.

Please accept our most cordial invitation to stop by our table in the exhibitor hall to say hello to Brennan and consider one of our three titles for your personal library or classroom.

Religion Today: An Integral Approach 
From the phenomenon of individuals becoming “spiritual but not religious” to multiple religions’ views on homosexuality, Dr. Brennan R. Hill uses multiple perspectives to look at how religion relates to today’s society.

Sacramental Theology: 50 Years After Vatican II
On the 50th Anniversary of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) renowned Franciscan theologian Kenan B. Osborne applies pristine logic to systematically demonstrate how Council changes in church theology consequently reconstruct sacramental theology in both meaning and celebration.

Theology of the Body, Extended: The Spiritual Signs of Birth, Impairment, and Dying
Susan Windley-Daoust, a passionate enthusiast of the theology of John Paul II, spiritual director, and Assistant Professor of Theology at SMUM, explores what it would mean to read the Theology of Body as a spiritual anthropology that points toward a desire for God, especially at times of childbirth, impairment, and dying.

Three publications. Three inspirational authors. Trifecta!