Evangelization: Building and Rebuilding the Kingdom

Evangelization: Building and Rebuilding the Kingdom: Issues of Language, Culture, and Conversion

Evangelization coverLeon F. Strieder’s 492-page scholarly work is not a cursory presentation of evangelization—quite the opposite. While much has been written on evangelization and conversion, many liturgical studies lack a good sense of the history of evangelization, and even the historical studies lack a liturgical understanding of the methods of conversion.

Other studies may address early Christianity or the spread of Christianity to England or Germany, or the mission to the New World or the Far East or Africa, but they are without much insight as to what was operative in the methods of conversion and evangelization. Strieder addresses head-on the importance of language translations and how difficult it is to faithfully express textual meaning in a different language. He adds new underpinnings now needed to speak to our times. When it comes to the issues of language, culture, and conversion, this book bridges all gaps. #evangelization

This book is recommended for courses in Evangelization, The Early Church, Church History, and Church Development courses.

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