Small Publishers

As a direct result of the upheaval in today’s book publishing industry, the new reality of Small Publishers is here to stay. The benefit is that authors have a lot more choice in who publishes their work; on the other hand not every publisher is appropriate for any given author. It may take a little more work to research who is the right publishing firm to bring your work to fruition. More selection equals more choice, which leads to differentiation among the plethora of publishing options.

When searching for a publishing company, authors must now ask themselves who is best suited to edit my work— what are the skills or knowledge that the publisher brings? What is their previous experience? Are they competent in editing skills of grammar and readability; are they detail-oriented? How familiar are they with my specific subject matter? Theologians often refer to the Bible; if I use Biblical languages, does the publisher have the requisite understanding to edit this material?

While small publishers do not have the clout of the large houses, do they make up for that with personal attention and an expertise in the new methods of Internet marketing? Market dynamics these days make global marketing affordable, word-of-mouth indispensable, while older methods of marketing are cost-prohibitive to providing affordable texts.
Robert Lee Brewer, editor of Writer’s Market, has written a helpful article entitled The Pros and Cons of Publishing With a Small Publisher. And if you have a great book and believe that it would be valuable to Christendom, see what we can provide, and contact Lectio Publishing.

Catholic Press Book Awards!

We are delighted to announce two Lectio authors as recipients of the 2015 Catholic Press Book Awards. In Lectio’s first year to submit entries, Theology of the Body Extended: the Spiritual Signs of Birth, Impairment, and Dying (authored by Susan Windley-Daoust) won First Place for Best Book by a Small Publisher.

2015 CPA First Place Award

1st Place: Best Book by a Small Publisher

The review reads, “This book is well-written and insightful. It applies the Theology of the Body to themes that are rarely discussed and illustrates how God’s grace lifts up the suffering, dying, and those with disabilities. The author combines compelling research with beautiful reflections on what it means to be a person in communion with God and with others.” (The Catholic Journalist Vol. 67, No. 5, p. 40 June 2015)

Sacramental Theology: 50 Years After Vatican II by Kenan B. Osborne OFM, won Third Place in the category (B22) 50th Anniversary of Vatican II.

This review: “Probably of greatest interest to Church professionals (clergy, liturgists, etc.) Sacramental Theology: 50 Years After Vatican II is nevertheless an accessible treatment of its subject. It offers an historical outline of the development of the sacraments and, in a broader sense, of the notion of sacrament (e.g. the Church as sacrament); a treatment of Vatican II’s teaching on sacramental theology; and summaries of the modern history of sacraments and contemporary thought on the liturgy. It is wide-ranging without being excessively long.” (The Catholic Journalist Vol. 67, No. 5, p. 41 June 2015)

Congratulations to our winners and to the Catholic Press Association for another successful conference.

What’s New in ePublishing

The eBook textbook world just took another leap last week. The major players are Kindle, iBook, and Nook. Apple has enhanced their multimedia authoring platform (iBooks Author) to allow their books to be viewed on iPhones for the first time, yet more importantly, the iBooks can now be read (interacted with) on non-Apple devices such as Samsung Galaxy and Microsoft Surface tablets.

James Rice has written a fine article “Did Apple Just Change Textbooks Forever?” interpreting this radical shift in the Apple ecosystem. Apple’s latest enhancements portend a huge shift in how we will disseminate classroom information in the not-too-distant future, and it makes for a much richer teaching-learning environment.