Triduum Sale

As Catholic Christians, we celebrate Jesus’ Passion, Death, and Resurrection as the means of our salvation into eternal life. The Triduum (from Latin, “three days”) are the lead-up to the Easter Resurrection— Holy Thursday celebrating the Last Supper and Jesus’ Agony in the Garden; Good Friday remembering Jesus’ Crucifixion Death, and Holy Saturday where He lays dead in the tomb and we look forward to his Resurrection. 

To honor these three days, Lectio Publishing is offering a selection of any of three titles at 30% off; however many you choose—one title or more, one copy or more. This offer is available only on the Lectio website, for a limited number of titles, and runs from now through Holy Saturday, for orders shipped to the USA. 

However, to extend the honor of these three days, we have selected an additional three titles at 20% discount; and to make a triple trio, an additional three titles are marked with a 10% discount. Discounts are taken on our shopping cart. 

Choose a great book or two for your Easter Week reading, and/or buy a thoughtful Easter gift for the reader in your life.

Catholics, Evangelicals, and Receptive Ecumenism

On the closing day of the Catholic Theological Society of America’ s 76th Annual Convention and its theme, “Thinking Catholic Interreligiously” we are pleased to announce the latest publication of respected author Eduardo J. Echeverria, Are We Together? A Roman Catholic Analyzes Evangelical Protestants. An adherent of Receptive Ecumenism and a longtime member of Catholics and Evangelicals Together, Echeverria brings an informed and erudite perspective to the often misunderstood relationship between representatives of these two traditions that have much in common. An expert especially on the Dutch master of dogmatic and ecumenical theology, G. C. Berkouwer (1903–1996), Professor Echeverria critically tackles the writings of Gregg Allison and Leonardo De Chirico among others. To be published this month, read the book’s endorsements and description, and pre-order your copy now »

David Carlin’s Three Sexual Revolutions

Lectio is proud to publish the latest work of noted columnist and commentator David R. Carlin. Having received graduate degrees from the University of Notre Dame (philosophy) and the University of Rhode Island (sociology), David taught philosophy and/or sociology at the college level for more than fifty years before his recent retirement. 

Three Sexual Revolutions Catholic, Protestant, AtheistThree Sexual Revolutions: Catholic, Protestant, Atheist is a discussion from both a sociological and historical perspective. While there have been numerous sexual revolutions throughout history, Carlin focuses on the three major revolutions that have molded today’s American culture.

Carlin is well-versed in the unfolding of America’s current predicament of sexual permissiveness to the breakdown of the ubiquity of marriage and even the questioning of one’s sexual identity. He traces our societal crisis from earliest days of Christianity when the Catholic faith supplanted the then-current mores of sexual permissiveness with a message of Christ-modeled chastity, in and outside marriage. He then unravels the effects of the Protestant Reformation on the sexual mores of the latter Middle Ages. Read the full description and order your copy, see our book page »