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Sacramental Theology
50 Years After Vatican II

Kenan B. Osborne, OFM

On the 50th Anniversary of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) much has been written and studied about its enormous and often disputed effect on the Catholic Church. Leading scholars have chosen to honor this momentous occasion with books and articles written between 2013 and 2015 that trace the major issues promulgated at Vatican II. This is one of those books. With pristine logic and order, renowned Franciscan theologian Kenan B. Osborne systematically demonstrates how Council changes in church theology consequently reconstruct sacramental theology in both meaning and celebration.

Dr. Osborne was a scholar of international repute and is Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology at the Franciscan School of Theology/Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA where he taught for over 30 years.

Fr. Osborne was a frequent guest lecturer at numerous colleges and universities throughout the U.S. and the world, mostly recently in China and Korea. He is considered an expert in Christology, the sacraments, the permanent deaconate, post-Vatican II theology, and contemporary and Chinese philosophy.

Format:6x9” B&W soft cover
Size:220 pages
Publication:1 March 2014
Price:$ 19.95 USD


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