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The benefit of reading books on Catholic living are many: it calms the soul, provides insight into our relationship with God and with one another, reduces stress, enlightens the soul, increases our capacity for love, widens our perspective, and helps us become better Catholics.

“Only God knows the good that can come about by reading one good Catholic book.”St. John Bosco

Living_catholic_books : Lectio Publishing cover

Atheistic Humanism, the Democratic Party, and the Catholic Church

Will Our Bishops Act to Save the Faith?

According to the author-a former Democratic state senator who was once a leading figure in Rhode Island politics-the "mind" of the Democratic Party has been converted to atheistic humanism, an ideology (or worldview) that is the deadly enemy of Catholicism. It is this ideology that has given America its present-day culture of sexual freedom, abortion, gay marriage, and transgenderism. More and more this atheistic ideology controls the chief propaganda organs of American culture-the journalistic media, the entertainment industry (film, TV, popular music), our colleges and universities, our public schools, and the Democratic Party itself. If Catholicism is to survive in America, we Catholics, following the lead of our bishops and priests, must fight back against atheistic humanism and its agents. By and large, however, our clerical leaders-above all, our bishops-have been doing a very poor job of fighting back. The author traces the rise and fall of Catholicism in the USA, and he calls on our bishops to issue a collective pastoral letter condemning the Democratic Party.

Format:6.14x9.21” B&W soft cover
Price:$ 19.95 USD
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Living_catholic_books : Lectio Publishing cover

Three Sexual Revolutions

Catholic, Protestant, Atheist

The great American sexual revolution commenced in the 1960s. Still going on today, its latest demand is that we should all recognize and endorse the exceedingly weird phenomenon called transgenderism; we should believe, that is to say, that a man/boy is a woman/girl if he feels that he is, and that a woman/girl is a man/boy if she feels that she is. Earlier in its career the sexual revolution demanded that we approve of fornication, unmarried sexual cohabitation, out-of-wedlock childbirth, pornography, no-fault divorce, abortion, homosexuality, and same-sex marriage. The revolution has been relatively successful in its previous demands, which have been complied with not simply by huge sections of the general public but also by the US Supreme Court; and as a result the USA is, morally speaking, a very different country from what it was prior to the 1960s. Those on the cultural left will tell us that the USA is a much better country thanks to this sexual revolution; those on the cultural right (among whom is the author of this book) will tell us that the USA is much worse than it might have been.

Format:6.14x9.21” B&W soft cover
Price:$ 17.95 USD
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It’s About Eternal Life After All

Revisiting Catholic Beliefs

This book is for Catholic laity wishing a deeper grasp of their beliefs. It revisits and opens up traditional teachings, removing cluttering features and proposing what seems essential and simpler. The reality of Eternal Life is not something met only in heaven but is experienced in our lives now. Another principle running throughout is that the eternity one experiences in resurrection shares in God’s unchanging nature, a fullness of life where before and after lack meaning. Some of the revisited beliefs include: How does the Bible work? How is prayerfulness maintained? Is there a Purgatory involving suffering? And what happens when I die or when the world ends?

* * * * *

Format:6.14 x 9.21” B&W, soft cover
Price:$ 22.00 USD
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Ordinary People in Extraordinary Times

Disciples, a compilation of articles written by Fr. Overberg, points to the various facets of how discipleship is revealed. There are situations in one’s life that will define our humanity and our call as Christian. Fr. Overberg takes on real-life current topics, such as AIDS, suffering, poverty, justice, the death penalty, and shows how Christ is alive in our world. He shows how we can be Christ to the less fortunate and marginalized in our society.

“Way” is a very rich term in the Bible. In the Hebrew Scriptures, it sometimes speaks of God’s will and wisdom. In the Fourth Gospel, Jesus calls himself “the Way” (John 14:4-6). Early Christianity was simply called “The Way.” Disciples helps readers appreciate what the life of discipleship—the Way—means in daily life today: call, commitment, community, challenge. Disciples offers an excellent opportunity for prayer, discussion, and action. It is intended to enrich individuals and groups such as RCIA, St. Vincent de Paul, Just Faith, Christian Life Communities, and parish retreats.

Format:6.14x9.21” B&W soft cover
Price:$ 12.95 USD
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