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978-0-9898397-3-0 Sacramental Theology:
50 Years After Vatican II
17.96 $ 17.96
978-0-9898397-5-4 Theology of the Body, Extended:
The Spiritual Signs of Birth, Impairment, and Dying
25.20 $ 25.20
978-0-9898397-7-8 Living Into Death, Dying Into Life:
A Christian Theology of Death and Life Eternal
17.96 $ 17.96
978-1-943901-01-2 Resurrection Power!:
Spiritual Solutions for an Anxious Age
16.96 $ 16.96
978-1-943901-02-9 Evangelization: Building and Rebuilding the Kingdom:
Issues of Language, Culture, and Conversion
27.96 $ 27.96
978-1-943901-04-3 Romero & Grande:
Companions on the Journey
15.96 $ 15.96
978-1-943901-03-6 Mother Teresa’s Mysticism:
A Christo-Ecclesio-Humano-centric Mysticism
13.95 $ 13.95
978-1-943901-07-4 In Oceans Deep:
Redemptive Suffering and the Crucified God
18.95 $ 18.95
978-1-943901-11-1 Pope Francis:
The Legacy of Vatican II
34.98 $ 34.98
978-1-943901-12-8 Pursuing and Praising God:
Augustine’s Confessions
19.95 $ 19.95
978-1-943901-98-2 It’s About Eternal Life After All:
Revisiting Catholic Beliefs
22.00 $ 22.00
11 items Subtotal: $ 231.83
 Shipping: $ 6.25
 Total: $ 238.08


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