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Psalms as Personal Prayer
An Intimate Translation

Richard Eric Wolf

The Bible—including the Psalms—expresses every emotion and behavior known to mankind. Psalms as Personal Prayer is a new translation direct from the Hebrew language in which the psalms were originally written. As a psalter it is an intimate translation, that is, a collection of psalms intended to be meaningful for intensely intimate personal prayer.

The psalms—written three thousand years ago—hearken to a time of no air-conditioned buildings and no artificial lighting. Life was guttural, it was in-your-face and lived in the midst of nature; life could be very dangerous. God, as portrayed in the Hebrew Scriptures—the Christian Old Testament—is our Protector, a spiritual warrior, tough, strong, and powerful. At the same time, He is loving and kind, the bedrock of mercy, the epitome of love.

Each translation of Scripture has an intended purpose or optimal use that guides the translator’s choice of word phrasing and even vocabulary. My intention has been to bring out the intimacy found in the psalms; the purpose is to align our prayer with engaging in a close, intimate, deeply personal relationship with our Creator. The goal of this translation is to find a prayerful balance in keeping as accurately to the original Hebrew wording and phrasing as is possible while taking into account idiomatic American English.

The source text for this translation is the original Hebrew.

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When reading Psalms as Personal Prayer I enjoy the language that is used in that it is the words of the psalmist’s time. Their words show the intensity and passion of their thoughts and love for God. I think if they were written with our modern language we would miss the intensity and passion of their thoughts and love for God.

Darlene G.
Hobe Sound, Fla.

Someone on the mobile app Reddit asked (paraphrasing) “I’m going to read the Bible front to back this year, but since Psalms is as long as can be and mainly just songs of worship, is it important to read? Or should I just skip it?” In my opinion, this is exactly who needs to download Psalms as Personal Prayer, an intimate translation taken from the original Hebrew language.
Intimate, yes, because this translation removes any rephrasing that may have occurred over the centuries by well-meaning translators and delivers the words of God as they were originally and divinely delivered. Plus, the translator adds Commentary after many psalms using knowledge of the time that the psalms were written. This additional clarity aids the modern-day reader to “hear and understand” the Psalms as God himself originally intended.

Linda W.
Ponca City, Okla.
Format:ePub (flowable)
Publication:30 September 2022


This title can be purchased as an eBook through Apple iTunes, and can be read via the free Books app (or legacy iBooks app) on Apple iOS and Mac OS X devices.

This title can be purchased as a Kindle Book through, and can be read via the free Kindle app/program available through


More Endorsements for Psalms as Personal Prayer: An Intimate Translation

As an aide in a nursing care facility, I needed to assist a resident who was described to me as very negative and difficult to get along with, although a clergyman. As I sat with him, I pulled out my smartphone and opened it to my Psalms as Personal Prayer translation and read and prayed some of these psalms. He enjoyed the experience and was calm throughout our entire visit. What a blessing!

Phil W.
Vermilion, O.

Knowing Professor Wolf’s scholarly approach to Sacred Scripture, I knew the task at hand would be as beautiful as those in my own Bible. His love and devotion to the Lord and His Word would be an act of love. Labor of love complete, read them for yourselves. Read the praise, beauty, the peace and calm that these Psalms nourish within your soul. Read them slowly, as I did, wanting the words of praise and thanksgiving to become yours. Read them side by side with your own Bible version giving it just the loveliest nuance, the rhythm of praise and glory. A soothing, spiritual, great read just as the Holy Spirit, David and the Psalmist, and Professor Eric Wolf intended.

Barbara M.
Tequesta, Fla.

Psalms as Personal Prayer clearly fulfills the translator's desire to provide contemporary people with a resource of ancient wisdom for expressing their deep emotions in their personal relationships with God. This is a rich translation, best appreciated by those who prefer or identify with more sophisticated, formal language. The numerical listing of the Psalms in the contents includes a very useful one-word description to guide a person in selecting a psalm to express his or her intimate feelings in the moment. Notes to music directors about appropriate instruments to use for various psalms are also helpful to the average reader. They reinforce the idea that the psalms originated as songs and are meant to be sung. Historical notes which precede each of five collections provide interesting context and background. In an especially valuable section of the preface, the translator acknowledges that some psalms do contain language that seems to “condone vicious violence,” language which is inconsistent with our modern understanding of a loving God. The translator addresses the possible purpose of these psalms, one which I found both consoling and consistent with modern psychology.

Jacqueline P.
Columbus, O.

This is a beautiful job of translating the Psalms for prayerful use. Congratulations on a job well done that should help people to strengthen their relationship with the Lord.

Tom D.
Martin County, Fla.


This title can be purchased as an eBook through Apple iTunes, and can be read via the free Books app (or legacy iBooks app) on Apple iOS and Mac OS X devices.

This title can be purchased as a Kindle Book through, and can be read via the free Kindle app/program available through


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