The Creed
The Faith That Moves Evolution
Donald C. Maldari, S.J.
No one of us lives without, even unconsciously, seeking for that which gives meaning to our lives, for that which threads together all the lived experiences we have, for that which makes us deep down who we are. Faith, as in the title of this book, is a word which attempts to express such a search and it need not imply a transcendent reality, a beyond. But most of us are led in our search to just such a beyond in order to make sense of the totality of our lived experiences.
This book is clearly written for the Christian believer, yet for those who voyage into the beyond, it does that in a unique way by searching for a deeper understanding of the transcendent in the immanent and, in particular to probe the transcendent by meditating upon our best scientific knowledge of the universe in which we live. The evolutionary character of the universe is a particular ingredient of that probing. This book may serve those searchers who have not yet reached beyond the immanent but are still probing. The author pursues this search by a systematic treatment of the Nicene Creed which has been and remains central to Christian faith since the fifth century.
Yet this is not an analysis of the Creed in the usual sense of the word. It is rather a dynamic and creative rethinking, in light of current knowledge of the universe, of a God who in sharing the love of Father, Son, and Spirit in creation calls all of us to love one another in that Triune God. It is, as the author writes in the Introduction, a consideration of how we “can best participate in God’s work of creation in our 21st century world.”
George V. Coyne, S.J.
McDevitt Chair in Physics, Le Moyne College
Director Emeritus, Vatican Observatory
ISBN: | 978-0-9898397-8-5 |
LCCN: | 2015940484 |
Format: | 6x9” B&W soft cover |
Size: | 360 pages |
Publication: | 14 May 2015 |
Price: | $ 34.95 USD |
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Donald Maldari
Contents : Chapter Headings
- Preface
- Introduction
- Belief in the Triune God
- The Father, the Almighty: the Creator of the Universe
- Son of God, Jesus of Nazareth: The Way to Fulfillment
- The Son of God and Salvation: Evolution Beyond Selfishness
- Death, Resurrection, Ascension: the Fulfillment of Evolution
- The Holy Spirit: The Power that Fuels the Universe
- The Church: Cooperative Community
- The Sacraments: Effective Symbols of Fulfillment
Part One: The Father
Part Two: The Son
Part Three: The Holy Spirit
This book is recommended for:
- Basic Theology courses
- Seminary courses on Faith
- Religion and Science Studies
- Book clubs; discussion groups
- Anyone interested in a modern Christian view of Faith and Evolution